Hello CVC!

The good news on the clothing is that we are down to only 5 people that need to pay for their clothing orders. PLEASE help by paying this right away!

Here are the steps to take to pay for your order: 
1. Go to the store URL: 

2. Login by clicking the "Login" link in the top right hand corner of the screen. 

3. Click on "checkout" icon in the top right hand corner of the screen. Your items will be in your cart. (go to the cart)

4. Click "continue" on the right hand side of the page to enter your payment information. 

5. PLEASE NOTE: This order is a part of your team's bulk shipment with a ship date of 6-10 weeks from closure of your PPR team store.

Please remember all payments are due by April 4th at midnight. 




There are plenty of spaces open for volunteers. If you can help in any way, please go to the following link on Volunteer Spot. Please find a time that works for you to help out. You will sign up with Volunteer Spot which is organized by times throughout the day.

Your club DOES need you! Also, if you could “share” the Facebook link “cruisin the Conejo” when you see it posted, that would be helpful. Liking it, commenting on it if you have participated is great, but word only gets out there if you hit “share”!

Thank you so much,

Here is the link: http://vols.pt/UfgRL5



Sheri Leiken

CVC Membership Director