Wow, great rides all week everyone. We all got in plenty of time over Mullholland!
And with a number of "out" options, we were able to deal with mechanical issues and keep everyone on track. 
Please remember to wear your CVC jersey out there. We are representing the club and it's easier to identify us.
Continue to communicate all road hazards and your intentions while riding ("right turn"). 
For a little variety, we've got beach (Latigo climb on Saturday) and inland options on Saturday, and some fun approaches to Simi Valley on Sunday (including the Box Canyon option - from the easier climb side).
The Tuesday night race ride is having a great turnout and Kent will be leading an earlier group out at a slower pace. 
Keep the pace up but watch your speed coming down Decker!
 Midweek rides are available Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Let me know if I can help with anything ride-related.
Updates for this week include:

Cruisin' the Conejo

Volunteer Spot is up and running and ready. We need a ton of volunteers as you will see. Please, think outside the box, and sign up for something different as we need coverage everywhere. Look at the times, which is how this is laid out and organized.

Volunteer Spot is a website that will NOT send SPAM emails.

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps: 

1) Click this link to see our Sign-up on VolunteerSpot:

2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.

3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on VolunteerSpot. 

Safety Reminder
As the weather heats up, remember to hydrate. It is recommended to drink as much as a full bottle for each hour of riding! 
If you notice another member with a full bottle, a little reminder can help out there too.
Debris in the roads continues to be a huge hazard. Keep your head on a swivel and call out everything.
One by One, Two by Two!
If there is a marked bike lane, cyclists may ride shoulder to shoulder. Single file otherwise. There is no three or four abreast at any time while moving.Please remember that when you are out there riding you are a cycling ambassador. And, if you are wearing a CVC kit, you represent the club, so please be sure to follow the rule of the road. Below are some reminders...
Your agreement when riding with CVC: All members will:
Wear a helmet and ensure my bike is in good working order. Ride to the right, pass on the left. Ride in the bike lane (where available) and signal when moving into another lane. Ride no more than two abreast in the bike lane, single file on narrow roads, and avoid “swarming”.  Call out and point if I see a traffic hazard. Respect ALL traffic laws and the rights of all autos, bicycles, and pedestrians. Ride predictably and remind others to be safe. Be a bicycling ambassador

Upcoming Events
Saturday, April 9th: Camarillo Away Ride
Saturday, May 7th: Cruisin' the Conejo Wednesday, May 18th: Ride of Silence


Saturday: 8:30am at The Landing
Red Ride - Leader Bart Gudmundson
Route Link:

Orange Ride - Leader Gary Silver
Route Link:

Gold Ride - Leaders Sharon Campise & Phil Callum
Route Link:  or
This route heads to Calabasas Commons and returns up over Mulholland from Lost Hills. 
You can cut out that last loop to make it closer to 21 miles.

Purple Ride: This is an RSVP Ride and follows the Gold route

Sunday: 9am at The Landing
Red Ride - Leader Doug Castell
This route does a Simi loop and over Box Canyon. You can continue over Santa Suzanna for an easier ride.

G.O. Ride (combines both the Gold and Orange difficulty routes) - Leader Dale Smith
Route link:

Social Ride - Leader Kay Fields
Route link:

Ride Leader: Jonathan Woodbury (
The fast paced Rock Store ride continues on Tuesday March 29th at 5:30 pm PDT sharp.  
And for those who would like to get out and ride Jonathan's routes, but at more of an orange pace, 
there is a group that will be leaving the landing at 5:15 PM with Kent Koral
Both rides leave from the Landing's parking lot.

Sunset it at 7:15 pm which should leave plenty of time for the Upper Encinal route and Lindero sprint.  

RWGPS route with Mulholland return ( without Upper E)  26 + miles with 1,900' of climbing.
RWGPS Mulholland return <>

RWGPS route for the entire route including Upper Encinal: 29 miles 2,400' of climbing
RWGPS with Upper Encinal Extension <>

Ride Leader - Sheri Leiken
3:45pm at  The Landing parking lot
Please join us for a Mid Week ride Wednesday afternoon. 
Route will go to King Gillette via Cornell and Mulholland.This is a Gold+ pace ride of approx. 21 miles. 

Morning Ride - 9am at The Landing parking lot 
Leader: Sheila Levine-Sherwyn
Route to be determined at the start, 25-40 miles

Please remember when parking at The Landing for any weekend morning rides to park and congregate towards the far end of the lot away from the street and use the middle row.  Do not park next to the homes.

Please note the inclement weather policy below. The Purple ride is considered a no drop. Having said that, please note that if you are falling behind or slower than the average pace, you may be dropped. All rides not asterisked are considered a "drop ride" so please understand the route before you start (and how to get back). If you get to a regrouping spot and no one is there, consider yourself dropped.  As always we will try to stick together and have a fun, safe ride. We will regroup regularly to allow everyone a chance to ride together. If for any reason you leave a group ride, please pass along the information to the ride leader. It is mandatory to have & wear a helmet. It is the rider's responsibility to ensure that the helmet is in good condition (check expiration on helmet inner tag) and that your bike is in working condition as well. If you have any questions about your bike, please feel free to ask be before the rides, or contact me directly before we hit the road. Let's ride!

Bart Ziegler
Ride Coordinator
Conejo Valley Cyclists

Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride.