Hi all, 

Just a reminder that our first pub ride is tomorrow - Wednesday July 6! Thanks for all of those who have RSVP'd. So far, we have 15Come out and join the fun! If you haven't already, please RSVP by replying to this email. 

Meet at: Stonehaus
Address: 32039 Agoura Rd, Westlake Village, CA 91361
Wheels up (although Donna prefers to have wheels down. . . ): 5:30 pm
Route: Lake Vista -> Malibou Lake -> Mullholland 
Miles: 20.5
Elevation: 1072
Link: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36509704 
Ride leader: Denise (310) 387-9856

We still have a few open spots for leaders, so look at your vacation calendars and sign up. If you are not a regular weekend ride leader, here's your chance to do your part!


Denise & Greg- your pub ride coordinators