This is a brief follow up to the APB that Sheri sent out some time ago after I got home from hospital/ rehab after my accident – both to provide a short update as well as, more importantly, to acknowledge and thank the many people who helped out.


After 3 weeks in hospital and rehab with a surgically repaired femoral neck fracture (i.e. a broken hip) and a broken clavicle, I went home with a 24/7 caregiver, who stayed for 3 ½ weeks, and have now been flying solo for the last few days. I still have a long way to go to get back to full mobility (and Deer Creeks repeats!) but am now reasonably independent. And no, I’m not sure if the bike is OK as I haven’t really been able to check it out!


The response from the CVC club members has been absolutely phenomenal and something I can never fully repay, other than a commitment to pay it forward.  The severity of my injuries was such that I quickly realized I needed to swallow my pride and accept any help that was offered – and boy did you all step up and deliver! Looking back, I counted about 40 members who visited me before and/ or after I got home, brought meals to the house, stayed to eat and provide very enjoyable company, drove me around and/ or otherwise provided much needed assistance, many on multiple occasions. Some were members I already knew well, others I knew less well and enjoyed the opportunity to get to know better. I appreciate you all. There are far too many to list here by name – you know who you are!


My caregiver (many of you met “Mags”) was very impressed with both the “brotherhood” (and sisterhood) of the club in providing such support, as well as by how fit and healthy everyone looked, or “sexy abs” as he put it!


To all of you who helped out, and many others who sent good wishes and offered help that I did not need to call on because of the great response I received, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. I’ll never forget your support, encouragement, kindness and generosity. While I no longer have a need for people to bring dinners, I hope in the future to again share meals  and fellowship with each of you as the company and camaraderie were highlights of my recovery. I need a reverse sign-up sheet where you could each pick an evening when I could reciprocate your generosity😊.


Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart. You’re all welcome in my home any time.


Your fellow club member - Mike Carey








Michael F. Carey


(   Phone:  805-778-1708

Mobile:  805-907-2850

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