Hi CVC'ers :
Congrats. and good luck to those CVC'ers riding the Markleville "Death Ride" this Sat.
For those of us riding LOCAL this Saturday, here are the Saturday club colored rides in brief:
   ( for more details - see the previous ride leader's emails )
Saturday, 7-9th  8:30am
   Citibank/Sprouts Parking lot: NE corner of Westlake/Hampshire/Agours Rd.'s
Gold Ride:  Lee Cole - Leader
    Westlake-Erbes-Moorpark, Westlake
Orange Ride : Norm Weir- Leader
    Westlake -Portrero Canyon-Balcom Canyon-Westlake
Red Ride : Jim Doane- Leader
     Westlake Blvd.-Encinal Canyon-PCH-Zuma Beach-Latigo Canyon-Westlake
See you Saturday.
Reminder: I propose that we ride an Away Ride NEXT Sat. ( the 16th)
     Ventura-Lake Casitas-Monticeto
            (details to follow)
Jim Doane - CVC Sec/Red Ride Leader