CVC Nov. Away Ride Sat. 11-9th : Ojai-Rose Valley-Pine Mt.

Hi CVC'ers: I haven't heard from but from a couple of CVC'ers who are planning on riding this Sat.'s Away ride Please RSVP to me if you plan on coming to this ride and also if there might be someone willing to be a SAG driver. CVC Red/Orange/Gold Away Ride -- Saturday, November 9th, 9:00 AM Start 9:00am Nordoff High School Parking Lot on Hwy #33 just west of the # 33 - # 150 Hwy Split in Ojai - see Thomas Bros. Ventura Co. map page # 441 grid # F-7 Park on the North side of parking lot - paralleling Hwy # 33 RIDE DESCRIPTION: Up the # 33 from Ojai through Meiners Oaks, Matilija Hot Springs, Wheeler Gorge, Rose Valley ( turn around for Gold Ride?) then across the valley to the top of Pine Mt. and back Orange/Red/Gold : "Ride with GPS" route slip: 63.6 total miles for the complete ride to the top of Pine Mt. and back 6,154 total feet of climbing ( per my Garmin unit the last time we rode this ride) AVG. grade = 4.1% MAX grade = 13.8% Climbing = 35% of ride ( mostly up and back down) Flat Riding = 30% 4hr. 30 min. estimated-probable total riding time OPTIONAL Ride Extension: Adds the equivalent of TWO times up Rock Store - both in distance ( 2.3m X 2 = 4.6 miles) and climbing feet = approx. 1700'
From the turn around point at the top of Pine Mt.: Ride down Pine Mt. on the # 33 to the Ozena Fire Station and come back up Pine Mt.and back to Ojai on the # 33 (as do the other rides)
GOLD RIDE : Jonathan K. offerred to be the Gold Ride Leader if there are other Gold Rider RSVP's - you could ride from Ojai start up to Rose Valley & Back to Ojai ( about 40 miles?) See the RWGPS map for details The nice part of this ride is that you can make it as long and/or as much climbing as you want by turning around at any point and coming back down the same way you rode up. Please let me know by responding to this email ( Hit "Reply" NOT .."Reply All") if you are planning on attending? Carpools can possibly be arranged. It would be great if some one's "significant other or family member" would volunteer to be a SAG driver for water, snacks and/or mechanical issues as there are no water stops avail. to my knowledge after Wheeler Gorge Campground. Red/Orange Ride leader for this ride will be:Jim Doane Gold Ride Leader: Jonathan K. - if there are other Gold Riders RSVP'ing The Red/Orange is an Intermediate to advanced ride, 40+ miles in length. This is a "drop ride" so please understand the route before you start (and how to get back). As always we will try to stick together & have a fun safe ride. We will regroup regularly and to allow everyone a chance to ride together. Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride.
participants (1)
James Doane