CVC Community Cycling Advocacy Director-Greg Jensen-please read

Hi, I am Greg Jensen currently working as the CVC Community Cycling Advocacy Director. My role is to bring forward the views of our club and bicyclists at large to the local communities. One way I do this is to attend the Thousand Oaks Bicycle Advocacy Team (BAT) meetings. This is a forum provided by the city of Thousand Oaks to allow bicycle groups and Bicycling enthusiasts to bring suggestions and concerns to the appropriate city leaders. This forum is hosted by Mark Bueno from Transportation planning, bicycle planning, and traffic mitigation fees. Also in this forum, The current city plans involving bicycling (Bike lines, Road striping, repaving and other pertinent items) are presented and discussed. In addition, a representative from the Ventura County Sheriff serving Thousand oaks is present and questions can be asked regarding enforcement. Some of the Highlights of past meetings were: 2024 Pavement projects (Project scheduled to start construction in Spring 2024) Examples: Pederson Road: Olsen Road to Rustic Glen Drive Rolling Oaks Drive: Moorpark Road to Los Padres Drive Capital improvements. Examples: Lynn Road (CI 5660) and Hillcrest Drive (CI 5682) Bike Lanes and Pedestrian Improvements • Conversion of existing Class II buffered bike lanes or travel lanes into Class IV bike lanes among other improvements. • Anticipated City Council Agenda Item on November 14, 2023. • Award of Engineering Contract to start project design TOB Pedestrian Crossing (CI 5398) • Consolidate TOB/Live Oak + TOB/Oakview Xwalks to Midblock RRFB Xwalk • Construction contract awarded at City Council on September 12, 2023 • Construction completion anticipated – Estimated Mid-Late 2024 While I attend this meeting on a quarterly basis (Next meeting on Jan 18th 2024) and can provide my input based on my use of T.O. roads, input from our club as a whole can be very beneficial to driving positive change on the roads here in Thousand Oaks. Therefore, I would like to reach out to you the general membership to provide meaningful comments and concerns to me so I can relay to the forum at the next meeting. I will try my best to address several at the meeting. I will not be able to get to all (depending on how many) but I will do my best. Please send your suggestions/Concerns to Greg Jensen Thank You. Greg Jensen
participants (1)
Sheri L