CVC Members Mtg -- Wednesday, Septmeber 25th, at 7:00 PM (reminder)

*CVC Members Mtg -- Wednesday, Septmeber 25th, at 7:00 PM*** Meeting location-- *Westlake Village Library, 31220 Oak Crest Dr*. *(Corner of Agoura Rd. & Oak Crest)* Come and mix it up with your fellow cyclists. Enjoy a snack and a drink. Along with discussing club business, we will have the below guest speakers... *Kathy Lowry* Thousand Oaks City Bicycle Coordinator She will update us on the effort the city is making to make Thousand Oaks a more bicycle friendly place. For more info visit... *Jary Danible* Share the Road Ride He will speak about this upcoming event taking place in the Simi Valley For more info visit...
participants (1)
henry montalvo