Fwd: Hillcrest Drive Restriping Project Phase I - City Council Construction Contract Dec. 16th

Hey CVC'rs, The below message was sent to me regarding the Hillcrest Drive Restriping Project. Henry Montalvo President, CVC __________________________________ Hi, Tomorrow (Tuesday) night the Thousand Oaks City Council will be asked approve plans and specifications and award the construction contract ($183,000) for the Hillcrest Drive Restriping Project (Phase 1) . see link below. The City Council always welcomes public comments on City projects and your support is always appreciated. You're welcome to fill out a comment card and/or speak when the project is brought up for discussion. The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. at the Civic Arts Plaza. http://www.toaks.org/civica/filebank/blobdload.asp?BlobID=29629 Thanks and have a great holiday! *Kathy Lowry* City of Thousand Oaks Engineer Associate Bicycle Coordinator 805-449-2416 klowry@toaks.org
participants (1)
henry montalvo