Just a reminder that we will be having the *CVC Pancake Breakfast* prior to
the start of the social ride *(7-9am)*. So come on out, *bring the fam and
chow down*. It's *free* to all who attend. It will be at *City Electric on
Lakefield road* (between Hampshire and Townsgate). Look for the flags. We
encourage members to *park at the usual start location and ride over* to
the event--only a few blocks. And there will be racing!!!
Thanks for your support,
On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 9:28 AM, <> wrote:
*Sent from my Motorola Smartphone on the Now Network from Sprint!*
-----Original message-----
*From: **
To: **
Sent: *Fri, May 25, 2012 09:27:47 PDT*
Subject: *Sunday Social Ride 9:15 start
*CVC Sunday Social / Recovery Ride -- Sunday, May 27 - 9:15am*
*Meeting at Citibank Parking Lot - Westlake Village -- Westlake Blvd. &
Agoura Road (North East Corner*)******
***This Sunday we move the start time to 9:15 allowing time for the
riders that attended the CVC Race Team Pancake Breakfest to make it back to
the Social Ride start.***
Route: Reyes Adobe / Lindero MUP****
Come out and join us for a local social paced ride (14 Mph Avg. Speed).
Approximately 25-30 miles and then stay a while to socialize afterwards by
having an after-ride beverage and snack.****
** **
The plan for this Sunday is to head North on Reyes Adobe, cut through the
school which puts us on Lindero Cyn., where we will find our way to the
Multi Use Path that meanders through Oak Canyon Park.
From there we can take the not too traveled residential side streets to
work our way South which puts us at ******Chumash** **Park**** all
without having to ride on Kanan.** **
Once there we can choose the return route and/or extension (I.e. Agoura
with a Carlisle Canyon loop, Thousand Oaks Blvd to Forrest Cove Park pass
though or a Malibou Lake loop).
This route uses lightly traveled roads that avoid the traffic of the major
** **
After ride socializing - Natural Cafe' Restaurant - Patio and/or front
grassy courtyard area. Many options at this location for beverage and food
** **
*Note: Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it
is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club
policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and
ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an
official club ride.*
** **
** Please remember to park in the area along Westlake Blvd. (between the
street and the first driveway aisle) and not in the area in front of the
shops or market. If we don't respect the requests of the lease tenants we
could be asked to park elsewhere.**
**See you Sunday,**
Dale P.Smith
*Financial Specialist*
*U.S. Bancorp Investments, Inc.*
*U.S. Bancorp Insurance Services, LLC*
23642 Calabasas Rd. Bldg 2.
Calabasas, CA 91302-1501
Mail code: LM-CA-7241
Direct: 818-444-8571
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