This Week's Rides for 07-21-2022 through 07-24-2022 Including our Saturday Away Rides

HELLOCVC, HEREARE OUT RIDES FOR THIS WEEK. All Saturday Ridesare Away and start at the Padaro Beach Grill at 8:30am. The weather is predicted to be a high of 74 degrees. Starts out cool butwarms up to a beautiful day to ride Carpenteria, Montecito, Goleta and SantaBarbara. 101 Fwy North, exit Padaro Ln and turn Left. Turn Left on SantaClaus Ln. Please, park on the street parallel with the freeway. Do not parkin from of the businesses. Thursday: July 21st Mountain Bike Ride 5:30 pm Ride starts at North End of Las Virgenes Rd. | Ride | Leader | Route | Miles | Climb (approx. ft.) | | Map | | MTB | Kent 818-802-0826 | Las Virgenes Ahmanson Loop | 11 | 950 | | | Saturday July23rd @ 8:30am Away Rides start at Padaro BeachGrill 3765 Santa Claus Ln. Carpenteria. | Ride | Leader | Route | Miles | Climb (ft.) | Map | | Red | Greg 747-214 6642 | CVC Padaro East Mtn / Goleta Hope Away Detour | 52.6 | 2940 | | | Orange | Doug C 323-806 2002 | CVC Padaro East Mtn / Goleta Hope Away Detour | 52.6 | 2940 | | | Orange Light | Peter 805-340 9551 | CVC Padaro Sycamore / E Mtn Tuckers Grove Hope Away | 42 | 2533 | | | Gold | Bill B 310-739 7054 | CVC Padaro East Mtn / Goleta Hope Away | 41.3 | 2323 | | | Mellow Yellow | Tom C 818-730 0729 | CVC Padaro Hope Ranch and Back | 34.2 | 1423 | | Sunday Road: 8:30am Location: ALL rides will start at the Starbucks @Agoura Rd & Westlake Blvd by Vons. Please park towards the rear of parkinglot to not disrupt local businesses. | Ride | Leader | Route | Miles | Climb (ft.) | Map | | GO / RO | Bart 805-807 8566 | Starbucks Dos Vientos Loop | 30.1 | 1945 | | | Gravel | | Not Scheduled | | | | | Social | Phyllis 310-924 9693 | Starbucks Dn Norwegian Grade Via Erbes Peredrson Home | 21.5 | 1412 | | When riding with us, you will: · Use helmets and bike lanes! Call out hazards and ridepredictably. · Avoid bunching up; don’t overlapwheels. · Keep a prudent distance and ridesingle file on narrow roads. · Ensure your bike is in good workingorder. · Descend carefully! · Pass slower riders on the left andsignal when changing lines. · Respect traffic laws and the rightsof motor vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. · If the weather is inclement, we willcancel ALL rides. Ride Director Richard Paul Aguilar 661-803-4575
participants (1)
Richard Paul Aguilar