Corrected Announcement for Saturday 10/17/2020 and Sunday 10/18/2020
UpdatedAnnouncement Correction. Saturday AwayStarts at 9:00. ********** All Saturday Rides are Away. Start time is 9:00AM.- Padaro Beach Grill, Carpenteria. 101 North, exit Padaro Ln, turn Left on PadaroLn, take the first left onto Santa Claus Ln Sunday start time is 9:00 AM This Sunday includes a Gravel Ride All non members must sign a CVC Ride Waiver. NoExceptions. Please select your rideand download the route. Be sure to hydrate and fuelyour body. Stay alert and make it a fun day! Saturday 10-17-2020 START TIME IS 9:00 AM | Mellow Yellow | Tex 805-746-5713 Padaro, Hendry’s/OB 28/1251 | | | Gold | Lisa 818-535-0862 Padaro/ E Mountain/ Goleta/Hope Away Sharon 42/2536 818-519-8694 | | | Orange Light | Steve Mac 818-426-1649 Padaro, Sycamore, E Mountain, Gibraltar, La Cumbre, Hope Ranch Petros 805-630-8116 46/2813 Richard 661-803-4575 | | | Orange | Donna 805-444-0159 Padaro/Sycamore/E Mountail/ Gibraltar Climb/Goleta/ Hope Away 54/5209 | | | Red | Kent: 818-802-0826 Padaro/Sycamore/E Mountain/Gibraltar Climb/Goleta/Hope Away 54/5209 | | Sunday 10-18-2020 Gravel Ride Start Time 9:00 AM Leader Rob K Sycamore Outand Back 310-650-7813 42/2769 Sunday 10-18-2020 START TIME IS 9:00 AM | Sunday Funday Leader- Richard 661-803-4575 Rancho, Greenmeadow, Lynn, Potrero via Hillcrest 23/1596 | | | R/O Ride Leader- Scott Lemke Stunt out and Back 925-394-8206 35/3641 | | When riding with us Be cognizant of social distancing. Bring yourmask. If you have air quality or other healthconcerns please err on the side of caution. Ride at your own risk. Wear your helmet, carry ride supplies and besure your bike is in good working condition. Stay in bike lanes, ride single file, doublewhen safe and do not overlap wheels. Descend carefully at a safe distance whilelooking out for debris and road hazards. Pass slower riders on the left and announceyour intentions. Ride predictably and use proper hand signalswhen changing lanes, turning, slowing and stopping. Respect all traffic rules and the rightsof motorized vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. Inclement weather policy is safetyfirst. If it is actively raining or the ride route has a wet surface it is ourpolicy to cancel the club ride. Club members may choose to meet and ride inthese conditions, however the ride will not be considered an official clubride. We are a rules of the road cycling club. Richard Paul Aguilar 661-803-4575 Richard Paul Aguilar Insurance 0B69455 TAXESP00315401 Office 805-716-6191 Fax 805-716-6194
participants (1)
Richard Paul Aguilar