[Conejo Valley Cyclists] RIDES FOR THIS WEEK. Saturdays rides start at the Landing and Sundays at Starbucks Red and Orange Away Ride - Meet at Bodhi Leaf Coffee Traders Saturday February 24th 9 am 29913 Soledad Canyon Rd, Santa Clarita, CA 91350 Located in the DelRio Center CVC Biweekly Social MTB, March 7th @ 5:30pm Location: Wendy and Potrero Lights Mandatory Ride Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map MTB Kent 1-818 802-0826 Saturday Rides, February 24th @ 8:30am Please do not park in the row next to the houses. Ride Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map Red Chen 1 312 608-9633 Bodhi Leaf Coffee, S. Fork River Trail, Camp 9 Santa Clarita 53.4 5411 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45468138 Orange Donna 1 805 444-0159 Bodhi Leaf Coffee, S Fork River Trail, Camp 9 Santa Clarita 53.4 5411 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45468138 Orange Light Peter 1 805 340-9551 Stunt out and back via Cornell 35.1 3641 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/5392723 Gold Lisa 1 818 535-0862 7 Minute Hill via Cornell & Mulholland; back through Calabasas 35.2 2621 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/1033071 Mellow Yellow John 1 818 451-9436 Hidden Valley Out & Back, Potrero, Hidden Valley Road 19.6 837 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/5456542 Sunday rides, February 25th @ 9:00am Location: ALL rides will start at the Starbucks @ Agoura Rd & Westlake Blvd by Vons. Please park towards the rear of parking lot to not disrupt local businesses. Leader Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map GO/RO Paul 1 310 463-9472 Starbucks, Dos Vientos Loop 30.1 1887 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/38888346 Social Howard 1 805 807-2026 Agoura Rd, Las Virgenes, Mureau, Calabasas Rd 23.8 1720 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41600942 Gravel Ride March 3rd @9:00 am IMPORTANT: GRAVEL RIDES CAN START AT DIFFERENT START LOCATIONS. Please pay attention to the start location as well as the route map. 1st Sunday of the month = Easier ride, 3rd Sunday of the month = Intermediate ride. Ride Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map Easier Gravel March 3rd Intermediate Gravel March 17th When riding with us, you will: * Use helmets and bike lanes! Call out hazards and ride predictably. * Avoid bunching up; don't overlap wheels. * Keep a prudent distance and ride single file on narrow roads. * Ensure your bike is in good working order. * Descend carefully! * Pass slower riders on the left and signal when changing lines. * Respect traffic laws and the rights of motor vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. * If the weather is inclement, we will cancel ALL rides.
participants (1)
jerry blkdog.net