Dear CVC, The following is a letter that Mike and I put together regarding the pub ride. Mike wrote to me with some concerns and we worked together to come up with some ways to make the pub ride more enjoyable for all. Sheri There seems to have been some concerns raised about the ride part of the pub ride last week. As the host/ ride leader that day, I was disappointed to hear that, so let me share my perspective. These, and all rides, are supposed to be fun so let’s try and ensure that is the case. - While this is a no-drop ride, we have had larger numbers of riders (up to 30+) than a typical weekend ride which makes it very tough to keep track of everyone to ensure they are all there at every regroup spot. - The size of the group and suburban nature of the routes make it more likely that there will be a split at signals or left turns. - If you’re going slowly, get stuck at a signal or have an issue and lose contact with the main group of riders, hopefully you will have several other riders of a similar pace to keep you company and you’ll catch up at the next regroup. If you have an urgent matter, please call the ride leader whose cell number is on the ride announcement. - We typically have several regroup spots on what is a fairly short ride so no need to add more if part of the group gets stuck at a signal or turn. Some riders may choose to soft pedal and wait, others may choose to go ahead to the next regroup spot. - If the group leaves the next regroup spot before you arrive, it’s not that they’re inconsiderate. There was likely a poll of the riders as to whether everyone was there and a question asked of the last rider to arrive as to whether they were indeed the last. It’s just that the other riders in the group collectively didn’t realize you weren’t there, especially with such a large group where it is hard to keep track of everyone. Nobody is being deliberately left behind. - Since there is a wide variety of rider levels on each pub ride, from Red to Mellow Yellow and everything in between, it is impractical, however desirable, to expect that the entire group of up to 30+ riders will stay together for the entire ride, which requires everyone riding at the pace of the slowest rider. - Getting spread out for a while is no big deal anyway – we’ll all meet up at the next regroup spot or the bar. - Please know the route in advance – download or print it if necessary or just remember the key turns. Most of us are familiar with the area but may need help on some parts, especially since the local pub rides on sometimes unfamiliar suburban streets often have more turns than a longer Saturday ride. Please also listen when the leader describes the route. - Even if the ride leader, or someone else, waits at a key turn to make sure everyone makes it, (s)he might leave thinking everyone has reached the turn if there was a gap after what seemed to be the last rider, when that might not be the case. In any case, the ride leader may not always be the first person to arrive at each turn. - BE SURE YOU KNOW THE ROUTE so you do not miss a turn. Hopefully everyone will enjoy the future pub rides. Regards Mike -- Sheri
participants (1)
Sheri L