Saturday CVC All Level Zwift Ride-Kent

Hey CVC'rs, now that we have officially cancelled the rides for Saturday, here is the information you need for the Zwift virtual we are doing instead. Tomorrow we will be in Watopia riding the “Sand and Sequoias”. It will utilize the "meetup only view" function and also the “keep everyone together” function. This will also be a Teams meeting so we can chat. See further below for more MS Teams information. As I mentioned in my prior email, you will need to use the Zwift Companion app to *make sure you are following* Kent so that we can add you to the rides if you have not already done so. Please make sure you are following me by 7AM on The day of the ride (you only have to do this once) so that I can have everybody on the invite that wants to ride. for those that are newer to Zwift, you can start the ride up to 30 minutes late....but don't cut it too close. I will leave the ride open from 8:30 until 10:30 am. Also we will use the "keep everyone together" feature. you can google it to get more info, but it basically....keeps us together! As for the social side of this ride, we will utilize Microsoft Teams so we can chat. See the link below to use if you want to be part of the fun. No, you don't have to use one wants to see me on the trainer in my Spiderman PJ's and riding shoes! Microsoft Teams meeting *Join on your computer, mobile app or room device* Click here to join the meeting <> Meeting ID: 213 098 087 491 Passcode: mMfNPT Download Teams <> | Join on the web <> Learn More <> | Meeting options <> This may not be as good as the great outdoors....But it beats the couch all day! Feel free to reach out to me via text if you have any questions. Kent Koral (818) 802-0826
participants (1)
Kent Koral