CVC Away Ride, 3-17-12 Santa Clarita -Acton-Aliso Canyon-Acton-Santa Clarita

Hi CVC'ers:In consultation with your club's ride team, we've decided to postpone March's Away Ride to the THIRD Saturday (the 17th - St Pat's Day)Why ?- I'm going to be out of town next Sat. and also next week is the Solvang Centurythat I understand quite a few club members ( and potential away riders) are planning on riding. Usually around this time of year the conditions are ideal for our Santa Clarita - Acton - Santa Clarita ride.Our newly established standard is for us to announce these rides more than 30 days in advance which we will be doing on future rides.For this month however this is probably the last month we can plan this ride do to heat & wind conditions.We do reserve the right to cancel and re-schedule another ride should the 5 day forecast indicate unfavorable wind conditions for this area. This ride route has Gold, Orange & Red Ride options ( adding Aliso Canyon to Angeles Forest Hwy back to Acton) FYI: We are anticipating having Gold, Orange & Red Ride leaders there. The Santa Clarita-Acton-Santa Clarita ride is "Local Ride" #14 on our club website: 50 mi. drive from Thous. Oaks ( same as Santa Barbara's distance) - Sand Canyon exit off #14 Frwy ( see website for more details) Basic Ride: 42.5 miles 2681' climbing Red Ride add-on(s): Aliso Canyon to Angeles Forest Hwy (2nd Optional add-on- Mt Emma-Palmdale area) back to Acton - then Sierra Hwy back to S. Clarita following the same route as the Gold-Orange rides 1st option: 13.8 additional miles with additional 2,000 ft. mi climbing Total Red Ride would then be 56.3 miles with 4,600' climbing 2nd option : adds another 10-12 miles? maybe another 800' climbing? After Ride group lunch: Route #66 Cafe/Diner in Santa Clarita Green beer for Sat Pat's Day - anyone? Jim Doane
participants (1)
Jim Doane