Volunteers still needed

Hi CVC Members, We still have *openings for volunteers f*or the incredible CVC Picnic and Benefit Ride. Even more exciting details coming soon! This is THE ride to participate in. Riding with YOUR people, and YOUR roads... Why, you may be asking... 1. Ride with our group 2. Celebrate our club with your family at our "picnic" with an incredible food truck. 3. Enjoy our silent auction with incredible items, (cough, cough... can I say BIKE!) 3. Your chance to give back to your local charities. 4. Enjoy the CVC Party of all Parties! Your club, your party! Give Where You Live! To sign up for the *ride and picnic*, click here. Must be prepaid! *EVENT REGISTRATION LINK:* https://www.bikereg.com/cvc-benefit-picnic-ride PLEASE USE EVENT PASSWORD: Benefit (case sensitive) If you have any empty baskets for our silent auction, please get back to me, or if you would like to donate items or services to the silent auction, please let me know. All members who can ride, *should* ride. If you are unable to ride, or if you have a family member that can help, please sign them up to volunteer. Click here now to volunteer: http://signup.com/go/tTSdqEA Thank you, Sheri Leiken CVC President
participants (1)
Sheri Leiken