Conejo Valley Cyclists Recap For The Week Starting 3-10-12

Hi CVC'rs, Wow, are we lucky to live in SoCal or what!!! The weather will be beautiful and warm and we have a huge amount of riding to chose from. Some of you I see are traveling up to Solvang for the ride this weekend. You are scoring perfect Solvang Century conditions as long as the breezes stay light. Have fun! Also, as y'all know, the CVC's annual *Cruisin' the Conejo Charity Ride* is coming up on May 5th. We need all the volunteers we can get so PLEASE get in touch with Sheri Leiken, our Cruisin' volunteer coordinator, or one of the Cruisin' section leaders (see their individual announcements) to get on board.* Remember, The *CVC* only exists because of volunteers like you. *So, come join in the fun and we will continue to have one of the premier cycling events in Southern California. Another great ride success last weekend was our monthly *CVC Family Fun Ride *. This ride, led by Henry continues to be a big hit. Last week we had a nice turnout and a great time was had by all. Reminder: Next Saturday we will be having our Santa Clarita away ride. Look for Jim's announcement next week. Wait! I almost forgot!! Don't forget (like me) that the time changes this weekend. And that means the Tuesday and Thursday road rides start back up. Keep an eye out for the ride captains announcements. Keep in mind that with the new Ride Team Format, you will still see the rides posted by the individual Captains, and lead by the Ride Captain *or* another Ride Team Leader. *Everyone is invited and encouraged to take part in leading and assisting the rides, just contact the ride Captain and they will tell you all you need to know.* Below is a re-cap of the rides this weekend and next week. See the ride Captains individual posts on the mailing list for more information. Saturday: 8:30am Start at Citibank/Sprouts parking lot at Westlake Bl and Agoura Rd. - Purple: Hidden Valley out & back with Beth - Gold: Tierra Rejada loop with Henry - Orange: Portrero/PCH/Mulholland with Norm - Red: Rock Store/Encinal/PCH/Choice of returns with Jonathon and Howard Sunday: 9:00am start at Citibank/Sprouts parking lot at Westlake Bl and Agoura Rd. - Purple: Hidden Valley O/B With Kelly - Social: North TO/Lynn Ranch with Dale S Next Week: - Tuesday Night 6PM MTB Ride with Kent: See announcement on Monday - Tuesday and Thursday Gold and Red Rides - Sheri's Wednesday Afternoon Landing Ride: See Announcement on Monday Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride. See y'all out on the road and trail! Kent Koral Ride Director Conejo Valley Cyclists 818-802-0826
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Kent Koral