Fwd: Mountain bike ride fund raiser - Help wanted

All CVCrs, Any one that wants a little pre holiday mtb fun for a good cause, come join me on Jack's soiree tomorrow morning...see below for all the info. Kent Koral (818) 802-0826 Please excuse typos/grammar as this message originated from a phone. Begin forwarded message:
From: "Jack Nosco" <Jack.Nosco@ventura.org> Date: December 17, 2013 at 8:49:19 AM PST
Subject: Re: Mountain bike ride fund raiser - Help wanted
For those of you that have read my bulletin and may come join us this Saturday December 21st, here is the route:
Check out this map on MapMyRide: 31.18 mi I am riding for Richie! Distance: 31.18 mi http://www.mapmyride.com/us/casa-conejo-ca/i-am-riding-for-richie-route-3348...
Lets make a difference!
Jack Nosco 805 390-5057 cell
"Jack Nosco" <nosco.jack@verizon.net> 12/13/2013 09:52 >>> Another crazy idea and I need your help, a ton of help, so please continue reading;
Here is a story about a little 7-year old boy, Richie, who lives in Fillmore and he needs our help in a huge way (I do not know him nor his parents personally, but was deeply moved by their story and another Ventura County Firefighter is asking for help); "Tis the season to be giving especially to those who are in need and are fighting for their life. A Fillmore Firefighter has a son who needs our support. Richie, a 7 year old boy has a rare disease in which Doctors have given up on him and have labeled him as terminal. His parents have not given up and have found a new team who are hopeful and believe they can find a cure for Richie. As you can imagine testing is expensive. If you would like to help please see the attached link. Keep Richie and his family in your prayers!" http://www.gofundme.com/4i0cck?forcedesktop=1
Hopefully at this point in the email you have gone to the link and read more about this young kid and his struggles (If not, please take the time and look at his story before you see what I am asking for).
I would like to have a mountain bike/fund raising ride next Saturday, December 21st. I would like for my friends to show up and make a minimum donation of $50 and also bring an unwrapped toy for Richie.
You know me, so this will be a ride that lasts 3-5 hours and will be as tough as you want it to be (based on speed and elevation gains). Why is it always tough you ask? Because tough is easy when it is self-inflicted (my rides) versus when it is not by choice as in Richies case.
The holiday season is upon us, we are all extremely busy in our normal lives with family, work, and other obligations, but I just ask that you give this some major consideration and come out next Saturday and suffer with the best of us! We have a great opportunity to impact this family and provide them with HOPE. Who gives up on a 7-year old?
Date: Saturday December 21st Time: 9am - 12pm Location: Wendy/Potrero (Newbury Park), Sycamore Canyon
For more information please call: Jack Nosco 805 390-5057 cell
participants (1)
Kent Koral