Weekend rides - note the time change!!!

*Note the time change!!!* *Saturday September 22nd @8:30 am* *Ride* *Leader* *Route* *Miles* *Climb (ft.)* *Map* *Red* Taylor Westlake/ Li’l Syc/ Mully/ Encinal/ RoSto/Cornell 44.4 4,750 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/17471470 *Orange* Alfonso West Simi Canyons: Long-Tapo-Lost o&b 52.9 3,786 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28632988 *Gold* Long: Petros Short: Sheri Stunt o&b King Gillette o&b 35.1 20.0 3,641 1,737 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/5392723 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28634351 * Sunday September 23rd @9:00 am* *Ride* *Leader* *Route* *Miles* *Climb (ft.)* *Map* *G.O.* Alfonso Balcom/Stockton o&b 47.6 3,282 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28632826 *Social* Kay Agoura/ Oak Park/ Lindero 21.5 1,293 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/5963442 *When riding with us:* · wear helmets and ensure your bike is in good working order · stay in bike lanes and no more than two abreast on them; single file otherwise · don’t overlap wheels · descend carefully! Look out for debris, animals, potholes, tight bends, and slick spots · pass slower riders on the left · ride predictably: signal when changing lines and call out hazards · avoid bunching up · respect all traffic rules and the rights of motor vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians · Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride
participants (1)
Alfonso Canella