Hello Conejo Valley Cyclists! Welcome to June, the beginning of the summer pub ride starts! Each week we will host a summer evening hump day ride, WEDNESDAY evenings at 5:30! We will start at a different location each week, and end with a social gathering at one of the local dining establishments. These rides will last as long as our days of summer last! Lisa Gutman, Kent, and I are organizing these weekly rides. The pace will be a gold+ pace with rides averaging about 20-22 miles. We have others offering to host a ride as well, so if you are interested, (or can and will be able to), we would love help hosting and planning a mid week summer evening ride. Please let me know. Often times we will need a head count to reserve a table. Keep checking your weekly announcements since the location changes weekly. This first ride we will all meet outside Pitfire Pizza in Westlake. Located in: < +Plaza+and+Center&ludocid=12957074715825742096&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwi_kP6yq oPNAhVJx2MKHX1TCSEQ8G0IhQEoADAN> Westlake Plaza and Center Address: 966 S Westlake Blvd #3, Thousand Oaks, CA 91361 Let's be ready to ride at 5:30, this week with a ride around Westlake, up through Hidden Valley with a left turn around at Hidden Valley Rd, regroup at the end, and a return around the lake. Regular Wednesday afternoon rides are on hiatus until the Summer Pub ride ends. See you THIS WEEK. Sincerely, Your Summer Fun arrangers, Sheri L. and Lisa G. Your agreement when riding with CVC: All members will: Wear a helmet and ensure my bike is in good working order. Ride to the right, pass on the left. Ride in the bike lane (where available) and signal when moving into another lane. Ride no more than two abreast in the bike lane, single file on narrow roads, and avoid "swarming". Call out and point if I see a traffic hazard. Respect ALL traffic laws and the rights of all autos, bicycles, and pedestrians. Ride predictably and remind others to be safe. Be a bicycling ambassador. Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride.
participants (1)
Sheri Leiken