Saturday, 9-22-12 CVC Red Ride : WL-JBDA Park-Seven Minute Hill-Old Topanga-Fernwood Pacific-Saddle Peak-Stunt-Mulholland-Malibou Lake

Hi All: I'm going to be out of town this Sat. so Jonathan W. & Howard L. have agreed to lead out the Red Riders on our Fernwood-Stunt-Malibou Lake ride CVC RED Ride - Westlake Village 8:00am, 9-22-12 (Citibank/Sprouts Parking Lot: NE Corner of Westlake Blvd. & Hampshire/Agoura Rds.) Westlake Village-JBDA Park-Seven Minute Hill-Old Topanga-Fernwood Pacific-Saddle Peak-Stunt Rd. Mulholland Hwy-Malibou Lake-Rock Store or Cornell Rd. back to Westlake 8:00am start in Westlake Village Ride east on Agoua Rd. to : 1st re-group : Juan Bautista de Anza Park 2nd re-group : Guard shack at top of 7 Minute Hill 3rd re-group : Fernwood Market in village at bottom of Fernwood Pacific 4th re-group : Top of Stunt overlook 5th re-group : At Malibou Lake/Cornell Rd decide from there who wants to ride back to Westlake via: Cornell Rd. or....Rock Store climb to Westlake Blvd. (adding on Upper Encinal if you want a couple more miles & climbing feet) FYI about the road route & climbing profile: approx. 48. miles with 4,390' climbing Here's my Garmin readout on one of the previous times times we rode this ride: Looks like Sat. might be a bit cooler - certainly a little less than last week ! Have fun - see you at the end of the month. Jim Doane- CVC Red Ride Captain
participants (1)
Jim Doane