CVC Members: This month is our first of the year CVC Member's Meeting *Wednesday, 3-28-12 @ 7:00pm* * Westlake Community Room* ( same room as last year's meetings - next to Westlake Library & City Hall) 31220 Oak Crest Dr., Westlake Village, CA. (off Agoura Rd.) http://g.co/maps/vfhjw *Agenda:* * * 1) *Mitch Albo - President* Introduction of New 2012 CVC Board of Directors Personnel 2012 Goals & Plans: Member's Activities, Race Team, etc. 2) *Jim Doane - CVC Member & Caitlin Steel - Treasurer* Club Corporate Status review with proposed new club bylaws review & voting 2011 Club Financial Review 3) *Lee Cole - Cruisin' the Conejo Director* Update on event: Jersey design finalized Marketing & vendor plans 4) *Members Discussion:* 2012 Cruisin' the Conejo discussion Club Membership Benefits Club Rides & Away Rides We'd appreciate your meeting attendance, energy and participation in helping lead our club to a successful 2012. -- Mitch Albo Conejo Valley Cyclists President

We will meet at the Landing for a Hidden Valley Loop with Carlisle extension for fun... and we like fun!. It should be nice weather, but it doesn't look like anyone will get much riding in this weekend, so come on out Wednesday while the getting is good! New time: 4:00 Will be done by 6:00. This will be an approx. 25 mile loop with an avg. of 14 mph. We will meet AT THE LANDING at almost the end of Lindero by the parking lot. Please let me know if you will be joining. BAD WEATHER CANCELS... Come out for a mid-week spin. Sheri 818 621-1713
participants (2)
Mitch Albo