Tuesday after-ride BBQ & socializing idea

Hi Tuesday PM riders & other interested CVC members: As I announced at the beginning of our ride and at the top of Rock Store last night, since we've been having such a good turn out of current and new CVC members and friends, we have an idea of getting together for an after ride (about 7:30pm) BBQ & socializing. This will be a nice opportunity to get to know each other, futher our friendships and/or share training strategies and riding techniques. BBQ grill, meats & paper goods will be supplied We'd ask that you bring your own beverage and some other item (salad, hors'd'oeuvers or dessert item or etc.) to share We'd like to hold our first event Tuesday, 6-21 7:30pm in Westlake right after our Rock Store/Upper Encinal ride. Please RSVP to me ASAP if you are interested so that I can have a count to plan for the food items. This invitation is open to CVC members & guests - (in addition to the Tuesday night Rock Store riders) When you answer back to me hit "reply" ( NOT: "reply all") and I will answer any questions about party logistics, time and place. We can make this a regular, fun & interesting event depending on your interest & support. Jim Doane - CVC Sec/Red Ride Leader
participants (1)
Jim Doane