Pickles&peas coming to:cid:image001.jpg@01D28D1F.A116BC10 <https://www.facebook.com/picklesnpeasla/photos/rpp.1749794341930516/1762931 253950158/?type=3> <https://www.facebook.com/picklesnpeasla/photos/rpp.1749794341930516/1762931 253950158/?type=3> PICKLES & Peas <https://www.facebook.com/picklesnpeasla/photos/rpp.1749794341930516/1749796 071930343/?type=3> Image may contain: sky and outdoor <https://www.facebook.com/picklesnpeasla/photos/rpp.1749794341930516/1762931 253950158/?type=3> Image may contain: food and indoor 5.0 5.0 of 5 stars . Pre-paid registration includes route slips with 2 new routes of 50 and 75 miles, (with an option to shorten the 50), and 1-2 supported regroup stops, along with SAG support . Post-ride celebration will continue at the park and will include lunch from a gourmet food truck, music, a silent auction, and fun! . This is YOUR ride, YOUR Day, You Own it, so please sign up now and be a part of the club you ride with and support! . A $65 minimum donation allows us cover expenses and still donate to a local charity . We will not have any official CVC club rides on May 6th as we are encouraging everyone to participate and support our annual fundraiser and official spring picnic. . We will pre-sale extra lunches at $20/adults and $10/children under 12. . There will be NO "DAY OF" registration. YOU MUST BE PRE-REGISTERED TO PARTICIPATE. REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE APPROXIMATELY 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THE EVENT. . <https://www.bikereg.com/cvc-benefit-picnic-ride> https://www.bikereg.com/cvc-benefit-picnic-ride . Password: Benefit
participants (1)
Sheri Leiken