Hello CVC, I am sending out a friendly reminder for our upcoming food drive at our holiday party. If you would prefer to donate $, we will have envelopes on hand. Manna does prefer checks. - Mike Hackett will be collecting food and other items for Manna at our upcoming CVC Holiday Party on Sunday. - Additionally, if you would rather bring your items to The Landing for our organized Saturday and Sunday morning rides this week, Dec 7 & 8 Mike will available to collect your items then too. - In addition to cleaning out your pantries, here are items always in high demand per Manna’s website: canned corn, canned pasta(Spaghetti Os & Ravioli, canned red/kidney beans, tomato soup, canned fruit, flavored rice, soap, shampoo, shaving cream, feminine hygiene products, and baking items i.e. sugar, flour, cookie mix. - If you prefer to write a check to Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank, bring the check to the party. Manna will mail you a receipt from the address on your check. [image: image.png] -- Sheri
participants (1)
Sheri L