Dear Cycling Friends, Thank you for your support of bike lanes along Potrero Road in Hidden Valley. The Ventura County Board of Supervisors held a Bike Lane Study Session on May 23rd and received many of your thoughtful comments. Some of you had written in support of Potrero Road bike lanes more than a year ago, and I want to let you know that your comments proved to still be important to our decision-making process. The Board of Supervisors displayed unanimity in its support for adding new bike lanes and paving unpaved shoulders, particularly on roads like Potrero where there is heavy bike traffic and substandard lane widths. The Board committed to a plan to get all six CMAQ (Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality) bike lane projects completed, and Potrero is on that list, in part because of your strong support. I look forward to getting back to you with a timeframe for when this bike lane will be added. Overall, the Board agreed at our Study Session to add more than 40 miles of bike lanes to roads in the unincorporated county, at a cost of close to $14 million. Again, thank you for speaking up! I look forward to continuing to work together to make Ventura County even more bicycle friendly. Also, if interested, please save the date for our next Santa Monica Mountains Bicycle Roundtable on June 15th 12-1:30 in the Oak and Park Rooms at Thousand Oaks City Hall. An invite and RSVP request will be going out shortly. If you’re not already on the Roundtable list and would like to be added, please let Damon Wing in my office know. With appreciation, --Linda Linda Parks Supervisor, District 2 625 West Hillcrest Drive Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 (805) 214-2510
participants (1)
Sheri Leiken