[Conejo Valley Cyclists] RIDES FOR THIS WEEK. Saturdays rides start at the Landing and Sundays at Starbucks Hey CVC, on Saturday, March 30th, we will have our annual Presidents birthday ride. Not President Lincoln but President Leiken. It's Sheri's Birthday. Save the Date. We will have approximately 50+ mile ride. There will be options to shorten the ride. Right now, the plan is to leave from Padaro Lane with lunch for whoever wants to stay after, but this, along with routes, will be more solid as road conditions improve. Sunday's social ride: Since it's St Patrick's Day, participants should ideally: * Wear something green * Have Something Irish in their water bottle * Come to Crown & Anchor afterwards to rehydrate CVC Biweekly Social MTB, March 21st @ 5:30pm Location: Wendy and Potrero Gravel Friendly Lights Needed Ride Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map MTB Kent 1-818 802-0826 Dos V-Wendy/Potrero-Vista Del Mar-Parkview-Rancho DV-Sierra Vista 10.8 940 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/34586752 Saturday Rides, March 16th @ 8:30am Please do not park in the row next to the houses. Ride Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map Red Jason 1 614 531-9063 HV, Deer Crk, Yerba, dwn Encinal, Decker and Ridgeford 65.4 7013 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45823694 Orange Donna 1 805 444-0159 Westlake, Encinal, PCH, Latigo, Westlake 44.5 4502 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37558640 Orange Light Denise 1 310 387-9856 Westlake, Encinal, PCH, Yerba Buena, Mulholland, Westlake 39.5 4256 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45836751 Gold Ed 1 805 338-7943 Hillcrest, Amgen, Dos Vientos, Treasure Hill 35.6 2092 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43266619 Mellow Yellow Tom 1 818 730-0729 T.O. Blvd to Old Place to Sierra Creek with Troutdale return 22.2 1420 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28099899 Sunday rides, March 17th @ 9:00am Location: ALL rides will start at the Starbucks @ Agoura Rd & Westlake Blvd by Vons. Please park towards the rear of parking lot to not disrupt local businesses. Leader Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map GO/RO Not Scheduled Social Mike 1 805 907-2850 Starbucks, Wildwood CCW Option to go to the top of Wildwood. 24.3 1178 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37814567 Gravel Ride March 17th @9:00 am IMPORTANT: GRAVEL RIDES CAN START AT DIFFERENT START LOCATIONS. Please pay attention to the start location as well as the route map. 1st Sunday of the month = Easier ride, 3rd Sunday of the month = Intermediate ride. Ride Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map Easier Gravel Paul 1 310 463-9472 Starbucks, Los Robles, Botanical Garden Sapwi loop 21.2 1944 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43197464 Intermediate Gravel March 17th When riding with us, you will: * Use helmets and bike lanes! Call out hazards and ride predictably. * Avoid bunching up; don't overlap wheels. * Keep a prudent distance and ride single file on narrow roads. * Ensure your bike is in good working order. * Descend carefully! * Pass slower riders on the left and signal when changing lines. * Respect traffic laws and the rights of motor vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. * If the weather is inclement, we will cancel ALL rides.
participants (1)
jerry blkdog.net