CVC Annual All ride levels "Memorial Ride"

From there we'll ride West on Mulholland :1) Purple Ride : Continue on Mulholland to Sierra Creek - back to Petting Zoo route return to Westlake All other riders climb Rock Store & regroup at top of RS to split into the following groups ......
Saturday, Jan. 7'th, 2012 CVC Memorial Ride 8:30am Citibank/Sprouts Parking Lot ( NE Corner of Westlake Blvd. & Agoura/Hampshire Rd.'s) This Saturday will be our annual all colors Club ride which was originally established in memory ofour beloved club members Rod Pang & Mike Fair who passed away due to medical conditionsnot related to cycling and/or Club rides however we felt it a fitting tribute to dedicate the ride we weredoing the Saturday of Rod's passing and to replicate it every year in his and Mike Fair's memory. I suggest that we leave the start in staggered groups to avoid an unsafe bottleneck on Agoura/Cornell Rd.'s Red Riders - then Orange Riders- then Gold Riders- then Purple Riders Then when we'll all stop/re-group at Peter Strauss Ranch for a group picture & remembrance. 2) Gold Ride : Continue on Mulholland Hwy to Decker/Westlake descent 3) Orange Ride :Mulholland to Upper Encinal descent & back up to Lechusa to Decker/Westlake descent 4) Red Ride : Mulholland Hwy to Calamigos Ranch & Up Latigo Canyon down to PCH and back up Latigo Canyon See you at 8:30m at Citibank/Sprouts on Saturday, 1-7th Jim Doane - CVC Inspiring words from " A Thousand Paths to Success" by Robert Allen Life is a mountain that we climb day by day. The climb is easier if you keep company with good people who help each other. Burn yourself up in your activity. Like a good fire, your life should consume you completely. One day someone will write your eulogy. Make sure you give them plenty to say. Don't worry about death. You won't be there when it happens. In the end it comes down to this: Do you believe that we are apes clinging to a piece of rock or does life inspire you with a feeling of mystery & veneration? _______________________________________________ members mailing list You can unsubscribe and manage your message preferences here:
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Jim Doane