[Conejo Valley Cyclists] Hello CVC HERE ARE The RIDES FOR THIS WEEK.. Saturday's rides start at the Landing and Sunday at Starbucks Summer pub rides begin on the summer solstice, Wednesday June 21st and to watch for emails for signups to lead. This ride depends on volunteer leaders. You can sign up and view rides on our Google spreadsheet here.<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RkoeTS_V2N0D0W2hM5-fW5wVgssRN5Uxh_s8WEzrNfQ/edit#gid=0> Bi-Weekly Thursday MTB Ride, June 22, 5:30 pm sharp. Location: Ride Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map MTB Kent 818 802-0826 Saturday Rides, June 17th @ 8:30 am Please do not park in the row next to the houses. Ride Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map Red Greg 747 214-6642 7 Minute, Old Topanga, Fernwood 48.9 5173 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/42820795 Orange Doug 323 806-2002 Westlake, TOTW, Decker, Down Rockstore, Agoura 44.1 5053 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41939323 Orange Light Peter 805 340-9551 Agoura, Cornell, Mully, Stunt, Piuma, Mully 37.3 4082 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31080950 Gold Denise 310 387- 9856 Triunfo, Hillcrest, Amgen, Dos Vientos, Treasure Hill - Option for Carlisle + 5 Miles 33.4 1951 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43280999 Mellow Yellow Tex 805 746-5713 Wildwood, Westlake CCW 23.4 1172 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/6716080 Sunday Road & Gravel Rides, June 18th @ 9 am Location: ALL rides will start at the Starbucks @ Agoura Rd & Westlake Blvd by Vons. Please park towards the rear of parking lot to not disrupt local businesses. Ride Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map GO / RO Chris 805 217-9104 Agoura Rd/Las Virgenes/Mureau/ Calabasas Rd. and back 23.8 1720 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41600942 Gravel Not Scheduled Social Stephen 818 535- 2516 Hillcrest, Erbes, Las Flores, Keats, Arboles, Olsen, Sunset, WL, Kanan 28.7 1952 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43287870 When riding with us, you will: * Use helmets and bike lanes! Call out hazards and ride predictably. * Avoid bunching up; don't overlap wheels. * Keep a prudent distance and ride single file on narrow roads. * Ensure your bike is in good working order. * Descend carefully! * Pass slower riders on the left and signal when changing lines. * Respect traffic laws and the rights of motor vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. * If the weather is inclement, we will cancel ALL rides.
participants (1)
jerry blkdog.net