Last Nights CVC Members Meeting

Hi Everyone, Last night we had our members meeting scheduled for the Westlake Village Community Room. Late in the afternoon we found out that the city had us booked incorrectly in the wrong room and there would not be enough space. Henry and Sheri kicked it into high gear and found a last minute spot at a nearby park, and we made the switch. Again, I am sorry to those that were inconvenienced by the move. Well, The park turned out to be a really nice change. The evening was beautiful and we had some great grub thanks to our members and their cooking (and take-out) skills. It was a blast. We had a very nice presentation By Jennifer Littles and the Boyscouts about the their long standing participation with Cruising. They also presented us with a nice plaque to show their appreciation. A few of last nights topics were discussions about Cruisin Charities,our need for ride leaders, and our open Board of Directors positions. We will be having a Ride Committee meeting early next month, so keep on the lookout for it. We will also be having a Cruisin Volunteer meeting in early September. Thanks to all that participated I hope to see y'all out on the road and trail! Kent Koral President Conejo Valley Cyclists
participants (1)
Kent Koral