Greetings CVC Members: Based on your votes from the recent survey sent to all current members, the Board has selected three donation recipients. Each recipient will receive a donation drawn from the proceeds of the 2018 CVC Picnic Ride & Benefit (for members only) on May 5th. We thought it would be helpful to provide some additional background information on each of the recipients you have chosen. To that end we have provided the following summary descriptions that discuss the mission of each organization, including how they are active in and providing benefits to our local communities. [image: CORBA Home Page] *Dig-In for the Sapwi Bike Park! *Your participation in the CVC Club Ride & Benefit on May 5, 2018, will assist CORBA to complete the Sapwi Bike Park! CORBA is a new donation recipient selected through the club member survey. In late 2016, the City of Thousand Oaks approved the Sapwi Trails Community Park master plan, including bike park amenities for which CORBA <http://corbamtb.com/index.shtml> and the mountain biking community had enthusiastically advocated. Sapwi Bike Park will be an integral part of the Sapwi Trails Community Park <http://www.crpd.org/parkfac/parks/sapwi_trails_community_park.asp>, including up to five miles of multi-use single-track trails that could host training rides for high school mountain bikers, or even cyclocross events. Work on the first section of those trails began in October of 2017 and is ongoing. The park’s multi-use trails will include a number of optional skill-building features for cyclists. These “bike skill stations” will be added over time, and may include rock gardens, jumps, log skinnies or other fun and skill-building features that will be signed one-way and bike-only. In July of 2017 CORBA received a grant of $15,000 from REI to get the Sapwi Bike Park project underway. CORBA used the seed money to enlist the services of FlowRide Concepts <http://www.flowrideconcepts.com/projects/>, a professional firm that has designed some of the best bike parks in the country and around the world. This donation is squarely in line with the CVC's 501 (c) 3 non profit mission statement: to foster and promote cycling. And, this is coming to our backyard. The Conejo Recreation and Park District (CRPD) is in the final stages of preparing the park for CORBA to build out the cycling features within the park. Let’s help them get it done! The Michael P. Nosco Foundation, Inc. <http://mikenosco.com/> *Michael Nosco Memorial Bicycle Ride* As a result of club member participation our inaugural CVC Picnic Ride & Benefit, CVC made a $2,000 donation to the Michael P. Nosco Foundation! The Michael P. Nosco Foundation was established to provide financial assistance to families and/or individuals in need. Many families in our local communities cannot afford to pay the medical expenses accumulated by patients with grievous illnesses that are not covered by insurance. The Foundation's mission is realized by organizing an annual cycling event to generate revenue, the 80-mile, epic Michael P. Nosco Bicycle Ride that passes through several canyons and along the coast. The ride draws cyclists from all over the world. In addition to the revenue raised by cyclists’ participation in the Ride, partner and sponsor donations help the Foundation realize its ultimate goal: to assist families to reach their full potential in providing the utmost support in the recovery of each recipient. <http://cosf.org/> Proceeds from the funds raised through CVC member participation in the inaugural CVC Picnic Ride & Benefit enabled the club to donate $2,000 to the Conejo Open Space Foundation (COSF) <http://cosf.org/>. Many of us, mountain bikers, hikers and runners, use these trails on a regular basis, sometimes without even know that we are on trails designated as part of the Conejo Open Space. The primary purposes of COSF are to raise funds to promote and maintain the open space and multi-use trails of Conejo Valley, and to educate the citizens, especially children, as to their roles as custodians and protectors of the open space and the environment. To further that goal, COSF raises funds to support a wide range of open space programs that are sponsored by the Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency. Programs include: - Education including trails education days (nearly 40,000 students have participated to date) and community outreach. - Volunteer Programs including trail maintenance and building, trail monitoring, resupplying maps and bike bells at designated locations and providing information and assistance to trail users on the trails. - Open Space Projects including the development and distribution of trail maps, information disseminated both through our quarterly newsletter and the COSF website, stream cleanup volunteer crews and more. - The COSF website provides citizens with trail maps, open space photos and videos, descriptions of plant and animal life, a listing of group outings, favorite hike routes, volunteer opportunities and contact information. COSF is a 501(c)(3) (nonprofit corporation) for public and charitable purposes, is entirely self-supporting and is funded through yearly individual, business, charter and corporate memberships, and through individual and corporate donations and grants. Funds received by COSF are highly leveraged through the extensive use of unpaid community volunteers and other in-kind donations. We can make a difference on the road, the trails and in our community by participating in the CVC Picnic Ride & Benefit on May 5th, 2018 and supporting Nosco, CORBA and COSF. Let’s do it! See you all then! CVC Board of Directors
participants (1)
Sheri Leiken