[Conejo Valley Cyclists] RIDES FOR THIS WEEK. Saturdays rides start at the Landing and Sundays at Starbucks Summer Social Sunday June 23rd Save the date! Bring the family! 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. CVC will provide "grillables". Deerhill Park 6700 Doubletree Rd. Oak Park, CA 91377 We will need RSVPs so if you click the link below, you can reply with your RSVP and see the list as to what you can bring and sign up for. http://evite.me/EZrXrfUtSY CVC Biweekly Social MTB, June 20th @ 5:30pm Location: Backbone Encinal trailhead. On Encinal Canyon Road Ride Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map MTB Kent 1-818 802-0826 Encinal Trailhead/Etz Meloy/ Little Sycamore/out and back 11.3 1431 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/34753878 Saturday Rides, June 22nd @ 8:30am Please do not park in the row next to the houses. Ride Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map Red Greg 1 714 214-6642 HV, Potrero, PCH, Deercreek, Encinal, back Westlake 57.9 5208 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47120195 Orange Donna 1 805 444-0159 Hidden Valley, Potrero, PCH, Encinal, Westlake 50 3440 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41349477 Orange Light Denise 1 310 387-9856 Westlake, Mulholland, Latigo, PCH, Encinal, Westlake 43.8 4540 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47196314 Gold Laurie 1 530-520-0310 Agoura Rd, Cornell, Mulholland, 7 Min, Mulholland, Old Place, back to the Landing 37.1 3031 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47196492 Mellow Yellow No Drop Ride Tom 1 818 730-0729 Botanic Garden Loop 21.3 1152 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/5140220 Sunday rides June 23rd @ 9:00am Location: ALL rides will start at the Starbucks @ Agoura Rd & Westlake Blvd by Vons. Please park towards the rear of parking lot to not disrupt local businesses. Leader Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map Social No Drop Ride Bob 1 818 635-3919 Starbucks, Woodwild (Wildwood CW) 20.4 1106 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/38784489 When riding with us, you will: * Use helmets and bike lanes! Call out hazards and ride predictably. * Avoid bunching up; don't overlap wheels. * Keep a prudent distance and ride single file on narrow roads. * Ensure your bike is in good working order. * Descend carefully! * Pass slower riders on the left and signal when changing lines. * Respect traffic laws and the rights of motor vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. * If the weather is inclement, we will cancel ALL rides.
participants (1)
jerry blkdog.net