Weekend ride schedule for Saturday 11-21-2020 and Sunday 11-22-2020

HERE ARE OUR WEEKEND RIDES FOR SATURDAY 11-21-2020/ SUNDAY 11-22-2020 ALL SATURDAY RIDES ARE AWAY. START TIME 9:00 AM. START LOCATION ISVENTURA. 101 NORTH, EXIT CALIFORNIA ST AND TURN RIGHT, LEFT ON SANTA CLARA, PARKING LOT IS ON THE RIGHT JUSTBEFORE VENTURA AVE. Please bring and wear your mask at ride starts,regroups and when entering public areas. Select your ride and download your route. Bringbicycles supplies, food and drink. All CVC Non Members must sign a CVC Ride Waiver, noexceptions. THURSDAY AFTERNOON RIDE THIS WEEK FROMLANDING 3:30PM This ride willmeet on Thursday afternoons at 3:30 at the Landing for a ride of about 20 milesor so. The shorter the daylight, the shorter the ride.. The ride routes aredependent on the afternoon weather but include your favorite routes from SundayFundays for now. (Hidden Valley, North Ranch, Malibu Lake, Carlisle Canyon, andso on....) The pace is that of a gold+/orange light. This Thursday and all the others (minus holidays) Sheri… TUESDAY NIGHT MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDE SCHEDULED 11-24-2020 5:30PM CVC 2nd & 4th Tuesday Night Winter MTBRide Series. Petros and Kent will be your guides. Next week, Tuesday 11/24, wewill ride Ahmanson Ranch. This is a fun ride that loops up Las Virgenes Canyonand over the top of Hidden Hills and Back. Great views of the Valley. We willmeet at the very North end of Las Virgenes Rd and ride at 5:30 sharp. Make sureyou have your charged lighting system, helmet, water and spares. This is anovice to intermediate ride (not suitable for beginners). route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/34585766 Kent Petros (818) 802-0826 805-630-8116 Saturday November 21st @9:00 am | Ride | Leader | Route | Miles | Climb (ft.) | Map | | Red Captain Kent 818-802-0826 | Kent | Ventura/Ojai Santa Paula | 53 | 3138 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/32850103 | | Orange Captain Donna 805-444-0159 | Donna | Ventura/Ojai Santa Paula | 53 | 3138 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/32850103 | | Orange Light Captain Petros 805-630-8116 Co Captain Steve 818-426-1649 | Steve | Ventura/Ojai Santa Paula | 53 | 3138 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/32850103 | | Gold Captains Sharon 818-519-8694 Lisa 818-535-0862 | Lisa and Bob | Ventura/Ojai and Back | 39 | 1768 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/5878174 | | Mellow Yellow Captain Tex 805-746-5713 Co Captain Jeanne 805-368-7974 | Tex | Ventura/Ojai and Back | 30 | 998 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/3290331 | Sunday November 22nd @9:00 am | Ride | Leader | Route | Miles | Climb (ft.) | Map | | R.O. Captain Alfonso 787-240-1332 Co Captain Donna 805-444-0159 | TBD | Westlake, Encinal, back Decker | 30 | 3332 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/6214176 | | Gravel Captain Rob Co Captain Alfonso 787-240-1332 | Alfonso | Lang, Chesebro-Cornell, RSto, Up Encinal, BB, Mully, WL | 38 | 3713 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/34673009 | | Sunday Fun Day Captain Richard 661-803-4575 | Bob M | Malibu Lake Loop | 18 | 1139 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/27966071 | When riding with us: · Be cognizant of social distancing. Bring and wear your mask. · If you have air quality or other health concerns please erron the side of caution. · Ride at your ownrisk. · Helmets are mandatory, carry ride supplies and be sure yourbike is in good working order. · Stay in bike lanes, ride single file, double when safe anddo not overlap wheels. · Descend carefully at a safe distance while looking out fordebris and road hazards. · Pass slower riders on the left and announce your intentions. · Ride predictably and use proper hand signals when changinglanes, turning, slowing and stopping. · Respect all traffic rules and the rights of motorizedvehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. · · Inclement weather policy is safety first. If it is activelyraining or the ride route has a wet surface it is our policy to cancel all clubrides. · · Club members may choose to meet and ride in theseconditions, however the ride will not be considered an official club ride. · · We are a rules of the road cycling club. Richard Paul Aguila660-803-4575Rpainsurance@sbcglobal.net
participants (1)
Richard Paul Aguilar