Wednesday Summer Pub Ride 5:30

Hey all, Sorry for the delay. We had a server issue. Here is your info for Wednesday night ride. Please RSVP and read carefully. Hey CVC’rs This week we have a very cool pub ride for you. Your hosts will be John Caffrey and Eric Wan. The ride will start at 5:30 at Triunfo Park. They will be barbecuing and air frying all kinds of delectable items for everyone from the back of their RVs. All you have to do is bring your drink of choice and if you’re able, bring a side dish along to share. They will have ice chests to keep anything you want to bring along to drink cold. Make sure you bring a lawn chair with you also. These guys have hosted in the past and it’s always an extremely popular pub ride. So don’t miss out. It will be one of the best ones of the year!!! A head count would be appreciated! Route: -- Sheri
participants (1)
Sheri L