Hi All, Looks like another nice riding weekend is in store as long as it doesn't get too toasty...So far so good. *Also, we are making some changes to our Sunday Ride line-up. We are adding The GO (Gold-Orange) Ride. This ride is aimed at the riders that use Sunday as their main weekend ride and want to go at a faster pace than the Social Ride moves at. Dale Smith will be the Captain of the new GO Ride, and Henry Montalvo will Captain the Social Ride. * Here is this weekend's club ride recap. Please refer to the individual ride announcement email for more specific ride details. *Saturday-8:30 AM* Ride Start Location: Citibank/Sprouts parking lot at the corner of Westlake Blvd. & Agoura Road. Please arrive early for announcements and general socializing. * * *Red Ride:* Piuma-Fernwood-Old Topanga with Jim *Orange Ride:* Piuma-Fernwood-Old Topanga with TBD *Gold Ride:* Wood Ranch Loop with Henry *Purple Ride:* East T.O. Route with TBD * * *Sunday-9:00 am* Ride Start Location: Citibank/Sprouts parking lot at the corner of Westlake Blvd. & Agoura Road. Please arrive early for announcements and general socializing. * * * **GO Ride:* Norweigian Grade-Read Rd Loop with Dale* * * * *Social Ride:* Wildwood Loop with Henry *Purple Ride**:* Agoura Loop with TBD *Next Week-various times* We will also have our usual course of weekday riding on Tuesday AM (Sheri's) PM (Gold-Red- Race-MTB), Thursday (Gold-Race). Look for the ride Captains individual announcements. CVC Safety Rules - Helmets must be worn - Obey all traffic laws - Where provided, ride in the bike lane - Ride to the right, Pass on the left - Point-out hazards & approaching situations to riders behind you - Ride 2 abreast only where it is safe to do so, other wise ride singlefile - Never ride more than 2 abreast - Avoid passing other riders on down-hills. - Indicate your intentions verbally For safe cycling, CVC recommends the following: - Ear buds and headphones should not be worn - Ride predictably; try to void rapid changes in speed and direction - Be vigilant for doors opening on parked cars - Use a mirror ** ** *Things to have: *Helmet !!! - Water to complete the ride or at least to reach the next water stop - Tools to perform minor repairs - Chain repair linkage - Inner-tube and pump (or the like) - Cellular phone - Food to replenish energy. *Inclement weather policy*: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride. See you out on the Road and Trail!!