CVC Saturday Purple Ride Jan 14th 8:30 AM Carlisle Canyon
Meeting at Citibank Parking Lot - Westlake Blvd. & Agoura Road (North East Corner)
This week's Saturday Purple Ride takes us to Carlisle Canyon, out and back.  It is only 13.3 miles but several extension options are available. You can add in some Hidden Valley scenery or add a lake loop a the end depending on what the group wants to do.

Here is the route:
Things you need for every ride:
  • Helmet-Mandatory
  • Water or Sports Drink
  • I.D.
  • Cell phone
  • Spare tube
  • CO2 cartridge or hand pump
  • Patch kit
  • Route slip
Please remember to park on the Westlake Blvd side - away from the Sprouts Market.  Arrive EARLY as we are supposed to LEAVE at 8:30am promptly...after all the speedsters roll out...  ;-) 
See you there!
Beth McElhenny