Hey All, We are in the process of new kits for some time in the next year. This is a long process and it begins with selecting the right manufacturer. It may be the one we have, and then I have samples from other vendors that the board has narrowed down to. We are NOT at any design phase. I have received interest from many of you wanting to help, but of course most all of you that volunteered are "standard" size and all the same size. What I would like is a team of people representing many different sizes. This is your future kit and you want it to fit you and you want it to feel right and be the best fabric. I have samples that I need to send back, and so I am asking if you are able to come by Monday night and give your 2 cents. Obviously we already have women's small and men's large represented. I have a men's medium represented as well. I would like to fill in representation with those in different sizes from women's(medium, large, xl to men, xl, xxl, 3xl....) AND I want tall people and short, (yes, I know) We want to get everyone covered. Also, those that are seriously into making sure the chamois is right, and care deeply about fabric should let me know. I have a couple of bathrooms and space to try on the different vendors, and *Do NOT* need models, but a fit representation... of what is best for everyone. I am most interested in different sizes giving their input... I would love you to contact me about Monday night. Sheri