Hi All, Greg will be leading this week's pub ride which is sure to be another good one. We will meet at: Figueroa Mountain Brewing Company Westlake Village Address <https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk02sy0MLt67_DLajIPTORDyM3lF6Yg:1626118937911&q=figueroa+mountain+brewing+company+westlake+village+address&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LVT9c3NEzOKTFPzjKz0JLNTrbSz8lPTizJzM-DM6wSU1KKUouLF7FapWWml6YW5Scq5OaX5pUkZuYpJBWllmfmpSsk5-cWJOZVKpSnFpfkJGanKpRl5uQkpqcqQDUDAEmA1EhtAAAA&ludocid=14694714255061709863&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjW-5-Npd7xAhVFIzQIHfbBBDIQ6BN6BAg3EAQ> : 30770 Russell Ranch Rd, Westlake Village, CA 91362 *Ready to roll at 5:30.* Let's find a place in front to meet under some shade and go over the route. Take a preview: Routes · Ride with GPS <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36157335> This has been a favorite in the past. Come join the fun and ride then have a cold one, or don't ride, but join us for a cold one anyway. We should be back by 7:15. Looking forward to seeing the many happy faces on the Pub ride! Thanks for setting this up Greg. -- Sheri PS. Don't forget to order your Road ID this week while the discount code is still valid. -- Sheri