Hi CVC, Our very own CVC member, Dawn Foley, is co-founder of the local ALS ride which takes place on May 4th, (just a few weeks away). This was a fantastic, well-supported ride which many of our riders participated in last year. I hope to see many more of you out there this year. The following are Dawn's words. April of 2015 changed my life forever. My husband was diagnosed with ALS. When you receive this diagnoses, the doctor tells you to get your affairs in order. There is no cure and this is a death sentence. Most people live 2 to 5 years. For some it's only months. We were lucky in the sense Niall lived for 6 1/2 years. We were not the couple to just sit on that news. We cofounded the SoCal Ride to Defeat ALS. We wanted to raise awareness and funds to help find a cure. We wanted to help families navigate this dreadful disease. This is the 8th annual So Cal Ride and Rally. I continue to raise funds for research, legislative and family care services. All funds raised stay here in California and also help to fund trials and research. Please join me on May 4th at Dos Vientos Park to ride or hike. You may also donate to my team if you cannot join us. Please see the following link for registration, donations, and for volunteer opportunities. . https://alsnetwork.org/event/2024-socal-ride-rally-to-cure-als/ https://secure.alsnetwork.org/site/TR?pg=entry&fr_id=1290 [image: image.png] The SoCal Ride & Rally to Cure ALS is an annual endurance event raising funds to support the mission priorities of ALS Network. By participating and fundraising, YOU are driving the search for ALS treatments and cures through our mission priorities related to care, research, and advocacy. This one-day community event is designed to appeal to every level of cyclist, hiker, walker, and supporter of our organization. We offer two cycling routes, a guided hike, and accessible walk to accommodate all levels of activity and accessibility. Every participant can count on support from start to finish and cyclists will be supported with rest stops, SAG vehicles, and route monitors. Upon completing your activity, you will be welcomed back with cheering crowds and finish line festivities that include live musical entertainment, food, beer and wine, inspiring speakers, and more! All routes start and finish at our festival zone at: Dos Vientos Park 4801 Borchard Rd Newbury Park, CA 91320 <https://secure.alsnetwork.org/site/TR?pg=informational&fr_id=1290&type=fr_informational&sid=1111> . 40-mile route 40 Mile ALS Dos Vientos <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/27120278> 40 Mile ALS Dos Vientos Crossing at Lynn for Freeway - 41.3 mi, +2826 ft. Bike ride in Thousand Oaks, CA <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/27120278> 25-mile route 25 Mile Scenic ALS Route Dos Vientos <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/27106606> 25 Mile Scenic ALS Route Dos Vientos 26.8 mi, +1735 ft. Bike ride in Thousand Oaks, CA <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/27106606> Here is the Direct link to Dawn's team fightingforfoley.org I hope that many of you can join us and support Dawn on her continued journey. Sincerely, -- Sheri Leiken President-CVC