3 Aug
3 Aug
8:16 a.m.
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail -----Original Message----- From: dpssmith <dpssmith@aol.com> To: announce <announce@cvcbike.org> Sent: Sun, Aug 3, 2014 08:00 AM Subject: Sunday G.O. Ride Cancellation <div id="AOLMsgPart_2_2f63996e-af05-4fef-b3c1-be032322627a"> <div class="aolReplacedBody"> Hello CVC Members and Guests, <div> Due to the local showers, per club policy the official club ride is cancelled. For those of that do ride today, be safe. Dale Smith G.O. Ride Leader Sent from AOL Mobile Mail </div> </div> </div>