CVC RED RIDE -- Saturday, October 5th, 2013 8:30 AM Start: Sprouts Market/Citibank Parking Lot NE Corner of Westlake Blvd. & Agoura/Hampshire Road, Westlake Village,CA Several CVC'ers are riding the Grizzley Century in No. CA and/or the ride I'm riding : Share the Road Ride - Century in Simi Valley We'd like a volunteer to be the local RED RIDE Leader this week. Route: Agoura Rd.-Malibou Lake-Mulholland-King Gillette Ranch-7 Minute Hill Old Topanga-Fernwood Pacific-Tuna Canyon-Saddle Peak-Stunt Rd.- Mulholland Hwy-Cornell-Westlake 49.0 Miles ( plus optional extensions** (see below) 6,400 approx.feet of climbing ( per RWGPS which is usually high)For a detailed map and route slip go to:http://ridewithgps.com/routes/3462411 **Ride extension option(s) : 1)Rock Store Climb return on way back at Malibou Lake? - adds approx. 3 miles and 880' climbing Or... if on Agoura Rd. heading West ... instead of going straight back...add on : 2) Westlake Lake loop : another 3.5 extra miles - mostly flat Re-group spots: 1) King Gillette Ranch: off Mulholland Hwy near Las Virgenes intersection (water, restrooms) 2) Guard Shack at top of 7 Minute Hill & Mulholland Hwy (water) 3) Fernwood Market at Fernwood Pacific & Topanga Canyon ( water & snacks avail for purchase) 4) Top of Stunt (overlook) - water available at 1st concrete driveway ( thank you homeowner) on left side of Stunt descent. Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel the official club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride. Jim Doane - CVC Red Ride Captain