Dear CVC Members, I can't thank Conejo Valley Cyclists enough for your support with the Picnic & Benefit Ride. I wanted to take a minute to thank all of you who participated in the event, and also those who could not, but still supported CVC AND those of you who gave even extra donations!. Your generosity makes me so proud to represent this club in our community and each and every one of you should be proud of yourselves for your donations of time, effort and resources. It was a fun day, a fun time,, very successful! It's a big undertaking when you are not sure how it is all going to work out, and so many of you pulled through making it a memorable day. You have enabled your club to donate to the community in a meaningful way. I would like to give a shout out to a few people who really helped make our day special... Let's start with Kent! Great routes, great planning on the routes, great set up of the event running the event, watching for your safety during the ride, and wow, going the extra mile.. Grabbing our sponsors, working with me (and most of the time, happily!) I want to thank Henry who remains active, (even behind the scenes) and gets our word and newsletters and ads out there. I would also like to thank Mike Hackett who worked organizing and running rest stops, and to our rest stop volunteers, Harlene Roen, Sue Scott, Ali, her lovely daughter Zoe, and Beth M. They completely made our ride fun and, well totally supportive, and of course made you all, well-fed. (Please thank Cliff and Sue for those incredible potatoes and Ali for her homemade Snickerdoodles!) They all completely made our day! Thank you Todd Irmas (in shoulder recover) and Greta Adams (in knee recovery) who spent the entire morning checking in riders and watching over the site as our riders all rode and Kent went off placing those arrows along our end. I cannot express the gratitude I felt towards them to getting all of the riders off, and holding down our goods. Speaking of goods, didn't Kay Fields do an excellent job wrapping our silent auction items? Thank you Kay!!!!!! Behind the scenes, Alfonso is working away sending checks in and out! Some of you saw Gary Silver, our incredible orange leader,step in and run SAG after being out on leave. Oh...and thanks to Phil C. who came back to help with clean up, and to Jerry who came back for his silent auction prize and ended up cleaning and loading up! And a special thanks to Amy and Lisa who stayed with me until the bitter end packing and taking care of silent auction winners. And I know there are more of you... Sharon.... and so many others who helped with various things throughout the day! It certainly takes a team!!! When you visit our sponsors, please thank them in person for what they did for CVC! Many donated an entire day to help CVC riders! As a reminder, I still have many shirts at my home that are wanting to be at their home. I will not be bringing them on Saturday unless you email me. You may also set up a time with me to pick them up. Conejo Valley Cyclists have done so much for Conejo Valley and our local community, and I just want to thank all that participated in any way, for making a difference. Sheri PS I know I am not mentioning someone, but... I WILL remember!