Hey CVCers, The below letter was sent to me from Supervisor Parks Please show your support by attending this important meeting. If you cannot attend, please send an email to the supervisors listed below. Let's make something happen, Henry Montalvo President, CVC Dear Bicycling Enthusiast, I am asking the Board of Supervisors to apply for grant funding to add bike lanes on Potrero Road in Hidden Valley in order to provide a wider buffer between traffic and bicyclists on what is clearly one of the most popular bicycling routes in Ventura County. My request to apply for these grant funds will be heard at the Board of Supervisor on Tuesday, April 19 at 11:30AM and you are encouraged to come show your support. You can read my Board Letter requesting the funds, Agenda Item #38, at this link: http://bosagenda.countyofventura.org/sirepub/agdocs.aspx?doctype=agenda&itemid=77229 If the Board approves applying for these grants and we are successful and receive funding, one of three segments of the Hidden Valley Potrero Road bike lane could be added in approximately 3 years. The request is to add the bike lanes along the valley floor of Hidden Valley, not along the steep grade, and for it to be done without removing large oak trees. Without Board support for applying for these grants, it could be ten to twenty years before bike lanes on Potrero Road become a reality. *A show of your support for this item via letters, emails, and better yet--comments in person at the Board meeting, would be helpful to show that this is important to many cyclists. * *The Board meetings are held at the Government Center, Hall of Administration, 800 S. Victoria Avenue in Ventura (corner of Victoria and Telephone Roads). If you drive, it is best to use the free 3 hour parking in Lot "G", which is the closest lot to the Hall of Administration building. The entrance is at the end of the tree-line walkway, and the meeting will be in the Board Room on the main floor. I have attached a map of the parking area for your convenience.* Additionally, your written comments to the Board of Supervisors can be emailed to the Supervisors at: Steve.Bennett@vetnura.org Linda.Parks@ventura.org Kathy.Long@ventura.org Supervisor.Foy@ventura.org John.Zaragoza@ventura.org Written letters can be mailed to Brian Palmer, Clerk of the Board, 800 S. Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009. Thank you in advance for your support, Sincerely, Linda Parks Linda Parks Supervisor, District 2 625 West Hillcrest Drive Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 (805) 214-2510