I will not be able to do this ride today, sprained ankle. Let me know if you are planning on going up Yerba Buena. CVC Thursday Evening Gold Ride starting at 5:15pm. Start Location: Jan's Picnic Ride. Triunfo Road just west of the Dam (tennis) Club and the little yacht club building in Westlake Village at 5:15pm Or view this link: Thursday Evening Gold ride start location <http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=209877315404642822288.0004a02440504fe928739&ll=34.137135,-118.831558&spn=0.023835,0.038581&z=15> (Jan's Picnic Ride) 19 miles with 2,000 feet of climbingand the "wall" for those who know it. :-) Here is a link at "RideWithGps": http://ridewithgps.com/routes/160376 where you can view the route and print out a cue sheet. From the Picnic ride start location at 5:15pm Up Westlake Blvd to Mulholland Right on Mulholland Right on Little Sycamore Canyon Rd to the top of Yerba Buena Rd. And back. Some quick regroups at: Westlake Blvd and Mulholland Mulholland and Little Sycamore Canyon Rd. Top of Little Sycamore Canyon Rd at Yerba Buena Rd. See you there! Lee Cole CVC Gold Ride Leader