23 Oct
23 Oct
8:28 p.m.
This Tuesday's Evening Gold Ride will be the last one for the season. Please note the start time at 5:00pm. Citibank start location to Malibou Lake - Rock Store - Mulholland Hwy - Decker Canyon - around Westlake Lake. 25 + miles with 2,100' of climbing. Starting at 5:00pm Same route as the Tuesday Red Ride (without upper Encinal Canyon). Re-group at: Cornell / Mulholland and top of Rock Store. Here's the route using "Ride with GPS". Where you can view the route and print out a cue sheet:http://ridewithgps.com/routes/150707 The ride will start at 5:00pm See you there, Dale Smith Tuesday Gold Ride Leader dpssmith@aol.com