UPDATE: The full closure of Decker Rd has been extended through 6AM on Monday, February 13. After that, one lane will be open and one will remain closed 7AM to 7PM for ongoing repairs through March. | February 07, 2017 12:00 AM UPDATE: Decker Rd full closure extended thru 6AM Mon, Feb. 13 #malibu | | The full closure of Decker Rd has been extended through 6:00 AM on Monday, February 13. After that, one lane will be open and one will remain closed 7:00... Read on | | | You are receiving this message because you are subscribed to Traffic Advisories on www.malibucity.org. To unsubscribe, click the following link:http://www.malibucity.org/list.aspx?mode=delIf clicking the link doesn't work, please copy and paste the link into your browser. | |