Saturday,  August 6th, 2011
 CVC Red Ride
 8:30am  Westlake Citibank Parking lot
                      ( NE Corner of Westlake Blvd. & Agoura Rd.'s)

Ride over to Malibou Lake to
   1st RE:GROUP Top of Rock Store Climb
    From top of Rock Store, options are:
1) Up ( from Kanan-Calimigos Ranch) and down Latigo Canyon to PCH 
     - back up Latigo Canyon - then back to Westlake  
Other options from the top of Rock Store are........ 
2) Across Mulholland Hwy -descend Upper Encinal Canyon to Lechusa/Decker and back down Decker Canyon
     to Westlake
   Or........ ride down Lower Encinal Canyon  to PCH and select a return route from there
3) From top of Rock Store .....
 Ride across Mulholland Hwy and down entire Mulholland Hwy to PCH to Leo Carrillo Campground
 Then from Leo Carrillo Campground....
Choose a return route back up and over to Westlake Village.
Deer Creek 
Yerba Buena
Mulholland Hwy
Decker Canyon  
Encinal Canyon
Latigo Canyon

Jim Doane - CVC Sec/ Red Ride Leader