Hi CVC Red and Orange Riders : Here is my proposed Red & Orange Ride for this Saturday, 7-20-13 It's going to be HOT again - but since we've ridden Coast routes for the past few weeks, let's ride in the Calabassas direction this time. CVC Red & Orange Ride Saturday, 7-20-13 8:30am Citibank Parking lot = NE corner Agoura Rd & Westlake Blvd. Westlake Village- Lake Malibou- King Gillette Ranch- up Piuma Rd.- across Saddle Peak -down Fernwood-Up Old Topanga Canyon then Calabassas return to Westlake This ride affords us to the opportunity to climb Piuma & ride in the reverse direction of our usual Fernwood climb and then we'll return via' Old Topanga Canyon and Calabassas-Mureau Rd.-Agoura-Westlake Here are my Garmin stats. from a previous time we rode this ride: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/138097301 ( King Gillette instead of JBDA Park however) 49. miles, 4,500+ ft. climbing 3:30 approx. riding time 8:30am start: Westlake Village First re-group: King Gillette Ranch Second re-group: top of Piuma - ocean overlook FYI: Piuma is 2X Rock Store in distance & climbing feet Third re-group: top of Stunt Rd. - then proceed up Saddle Peak riding to the East, across Tuna Canyon down Fernwood Pacific- Fourth re-group: Fernwood Market at Fernwood/Topanga Canyon Back up Old Topanga Canyon - through Calabassas to Westlake See you at 8:30am Jim Doane- CVC Red Ride Captain _______________________________________________