CVC RIDE PREVIEW February 7-February 12 -COMING UP- CVC-Roundtrip Cycling Clinic February 21 & 28 (Rain date) Yes, we've been riding bikes since we were kids. It's easy. You hop on and pedal. What more is there to it? How about getting comfortable riding shoulder to shoulder and bumping into each other? Or how to stop on a dime? Look behind you and stay in a straight line? Or, everyone's favorite....riding in a paceline? These are just a few of the skills that the CVC/Roundtrip Cycling Clinic teaches. You will finish the morning with more confidence as a cyclist, whether riding solo or in a group. You'll be able to handle those emergency situations with more skill. Whether you've been riding for a few years or decades, there's always something new to learn. Contact me for details. Next Away Ride Saturday, February 14 Santa Clarita/Acton Ride Details coming next week. -THE WEEKLY RIDES- Saturday: 8:30am at The Landing <http://ridewithgps.com/routes/5888298> parking lot Red Leader-Red Rush-TBA (Same route with a faster pace) Leader-Red Standard-Jim Doane Route link: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/6923924 <http://ridewithgps.com/routes/6923924> Orange Leader- Gary Silver Route link: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/6924536 <http://ridewithgps.com/routes/6924536> Gold Leader-Gold Rush: Matt Merritt (Same route with a faster pace) Leader-Gold Standard: Mike Hackett Route link: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1019760 <http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1019760> Purple** Active when attendance dictates Leader: No leader at this time Route link: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/6351874 <http://ridewithgps.com/routes/6351874> Sunday: 9am from The Landing <http://ridewithgps.com/routes/5888298> parking lot G.O. Ride (Gold-Orange) Gold leader: Dale Smith Orange leader: TBA (Same route with a faster pace) Route link: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/13903 <http://ridewithgps.com/routes/13903> Social Ride-Leader: Kay Fields Route link: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/2896890 <http://ridewithgps.com/routes/2896890> Tuesday: The Landing <http://ridewithgps.com/routes/5888298> parking lot Orange/Gold Ride-Discontinued until next Spring Racer Ride-Discontinued until next Spring MTB Ride-5:30pm-Location and route TBA. Check your emails for announcement early in the week. Wednesday: Hump Day Ride-3:30 at The Landing <http://ridewithgps.com/routes/5888298> parking lot This ride meets on Wednesday afternoons! Yes, middle of the week, middle of the afternoon. Rides range from 19 to 25 miles depending on our sunlight availability. Thursday: Go Thursday Ride**-Discontinued until next Spring Red Ride-Discontinued until next Spring MTB Ride-5:30pm Location and route TBA. Check your emails for announcement early in the week. Please remember when parking at The Landing for any weekend morning rides to park and congregate towards the far end of the lot away from the street and use the middle row. Do not park next to the homes. ** This is considered a "no drop" ride. The ride leader will keep an eye on everyone. No one is left behind. All rides not asterisked are considered a "drop ride" so please understand the route before you start (and how to get back). If you get to a regrouping spot and no one is there, consider yourself dropped. As always we will try to stick together & have a fun safe ride. We will regroup regularly to allow everyone a chance to ride together. If for any reason you leave a group ride, please pass along the information to the ride leader. It is mandatory to have & wear a helmet. It is the rider's responsibility to ensure that the helmet is in good condition (check expiration on helmet inner tag) and that your bike is in working condition as well. That’s all for now, folks. Have a great week! Cameron “Cam” Young Ride Director Conejo Valley Cyclists 805-217-6659 Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride.